January 16, 2021 9:30am- 3:30pm, Pacific Time
(Pacific Standard Time)
9:15am Opening Welcome
9:30-10:00am Strada Sensei
10:00-10:30am Tomoleoni Sensei
10:30-11:30am Ikeda Shihan
12:00-1:00pm Vriesman Shihan
1:00-2:00pm Heiny Sensei
2:00-3:00pm Ikeda Shihan
3:00-3:30pm "After Party"
**Please stay for the "After Party"!
We will enjoy stories and a slide-show of past Bridge Seminars from around the World, and toast to each other and to Ikeda Shihan's wonderful efforts! If you have photos of past Bridges please send them in!
Sliding Scale: $50, $75, $100
(Please help us to support our wonderful instructors!)
Please register via PayPal button below. A Zoom link will be emailed two days before the event.

San Diego's "International Aikido Bridge Seminar is an internationally known seminar hosted by Jiai Aikido. Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan started the Bridge Seminars at Jiai Aikido in 2007, so 2021 marks the 15th Anniversary of not only the San Diego Bridge, but of all the Bridge Seminars held over the world! Please join us in celebrating all of the wonderful dojos, students, and Instructors who have contributed to the Bridges over the last 15 years!
**If you are a Dojo Cho who has hosted a Bridge Seminar, we would love to hear from you, and receive pictures to add to our slideshow during breaks and the 'After Party & Toast" where we can share stories. Please email them to Jiai Aikido dojo so we can add them in!
The seminar is usually held for 5 days, over the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday weekend. However, due to the CIVID-19 pandemic, we have elected to hold the seminar as a virtual event, over Zoom.
The date and time of this Anniversary seminar will be SATURDAY, JANUARY 16TH from 9:30am - 2:30pm Pacific Time. We are holding pre-registration, so please use the link above.
We give thanks to all the wonderful teachers over the last 15 years, and are incredibly grateful for this year's Instructors..... We hope to see you at this anniversary event!
The instructors for this online event will be:

Main Instructor-
Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan , 7th Dan
Chief Instructor, Boulder Aikikai
Aikido Shimbokukai, Vice President
Hiroshi Ikeda is founder and chief instructor of Boulder Aikikai. He began his study of aikido in 1968 at the aikido club of Kokugakuin University in Tokyo. Upon graduation, he trained regularly at Hombu Dojo and at Saotome Sensei's Remeijuki Dojo. In 1978 he moved to the U.S., and in 1980 established Boulder Aikikai. Ikeda Shihan is affiliated to Hombu Dojo through Aikido Shimbokukai, of which he is a Board Member and Vice President.
He is one of the most sought after aikido Instructors worldwide, and a frequent Instructor at aikido seminars in the U.S. and abroad.

Mary Heiny Sensei, 7th Dan
Mary Heiny Sensei started Aikido in 1965 after watching O'Sensei teach a class at Hombu Dojo in Tokyo, Japan. She trained at Hombu Dojo and with Hikitsuchi Sensei in Shingu from 1968 to 1973. Heiny Sensei then returned to the United States and opened the Seattle School of Aikido. She then taught at Ottawa Aikikai from 1987, as well as teaching seminars all over the world. She brings to every class and seminar she teaches her years of training and teaching, and also her extensive experience and study of Japanese culture and language.

Wilko Vriesman Shihan, 6th Dan
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Chief Instructor, Vriesman Dojo
IAF General Secretary
Wilko Vriesman Shihan started Aikido in 1982 with Kanetsuka Sensei and Fujita Shihan. After being kenshusei in Hombu Dojo under the Nidai Doshu and the current Doshu. Upon his return to Europe, he became a student of Tissier Shihan. Sensei runs, with his wife Satomi, the Vriesman Dojo in Amsterdam and is Technical Director of the Dutch Aikikai.
After being a technical delegate, and member of the Directing Committee, he is the current General Secretary of the IAF.

Lisa Tomoleoni Sensei, 6th Dan
Director, Aikido Shimbokukai
Lisa Tomoleoni Sensei spent over 14 years in Japan training at the Aikido World Headquarters and teaching Aikido professionally at a dojo in Tokyo. She founded Abiding Spirit Aikikai in IL, and Aikido Shimbokukai, an organization Officially Recognized by the Aikikai Foundation and Aikido World Headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.

Cat Strada Sensei, 3rd Dan
Dojo Cho, Jiai Aikido
Aikido Shimbokukai Board Member
Cat Strada Sensei started Aikido at Jiai Aikido in 2007 under Jeff Sodeman Sensei. Now Dojo Cho, she offers innovative classes influenced by her systema and ju jutsu training, such as No-Gi Aikido, Applied Aikido, and Adaptive Aikido & Ukemi. Her Aikido is inspired by Hiroshi Ikeda Shihan, Jeff Sodeman Sensei, Frank Doran Shihan, Christian Tissier Shihan, Mary Heiny Sensei, Morihiko Murashige Shihan, Lia Suzuki Sensei, Kevin Choate Sensei, Lisa Tomoleoni Sensei, BJJ Professor Roy Harris, and systema Instructor, Ken Good.